« Improve and master your technique thanks to the H.P.S. »
(Holistic Pedagogical System™)
Here's exactly what you get with this training
Module 1 - CONTENTS
- FOREWORD : what about music then?
Course 1 - "Placebos" that will allow you to discover possibilities that you did not suspect!
Placebos are the perfect demonstration of the importance of the mind, its power, beliefs, and of our "intention". You will realize that the mind has unsuspected power, providing considerable help if well used, but which can also become a terrible hindrance.
This will give you great self-confidence, allowing you to achieve technical feats that you could never have imagined. This self-confidence will help you throughout your music career ... and throughout your life.
You will discover new possibilities that you did not suspect. For example, you will understand that if you consider yourself unable to play a seemingly difficult passage, your brain will send specific messages to your nervous system that will limit or suppress your ability to play it correctly. And this so that you agree with your own beliefs (hence the importance of beliefs)!
You will experience deep inner stimulation and joy in freely using this new knowledge to push the boundaries of what you find difficult today.
Course 2 - "Things only exist in relation to the..."
The Holistic Pedagogical System™ will help you change your "beliefs" and free you from the limitations that you may have unconsciously and unintentionally created.
You will discover these 3 fundamental things:
- our idea of the difficulties is more important than the difficulties themselves.
- our state of mind when approaching a problem is more important than the problem itself.
- our "intention" when one produces an action is more important than the action itself.
What a satisfaction to discover that you can change your beliefs and free yourself from these barriers (limiting beliefs).
Course 3 - the teacher's mental attitude
The attitude of a teacher and his state of mind regarding the student is of paramount importance because it has a real influence on him…
This means that if a teacher thinks that his student is not gifted, even if he never mentions it or alludes to this fact, it will inhibit the student and therefore limit his potential progress…
I understand that it may surprise you but some experiments conducted by psychologists will prove this.
The most effective way to avoid this influence is very simple: after implementing the Holistic Pedagogical System™, you will have hyper efficient and reliable technique, and will have made such progress that you will attain optimal self-confidence.
This is actually enough to thwart the subliminal influence of the teacher, so as not to be subjected to it.
Course 4 - Best mental attitude facing a difficulty
This course will give you the means to use your will in an effective way in order to overcome your difficulties. Be aware that misused willpower produces exactly the opposite of what you want to achieve!
You will succeed in playing more difficult passages simply by using your will wisely.
Here is yet another tool that will lighten your work and thus bring you the satisfaction of seeing real progress.
Course 4 - Best mental attitude facing a difficulty
This course will give you the means to use your will in an effective way in order to overcome your difficulties. Be aware that misused willpower produces exactly the opposite of what you want to achieve!
You will succeed in playing more difficult passages simply by using your will wisely.
Here is yet another tool that will lighten your work and thus bring you the satisfaction of seeing real progress.
Course 5 - The law of the converted effort
It is essential to be aware of the very important difference between will and imagination. For when both conflict, imagination always prevails, without exception.
In this course, you will discover that the more you "want" to succeed, even a simple gesture, the more you will "risk" missing it.
Imagination will therefore be a great help in your acquiring a better technique.
Course 5 - The law of the converted effort
It is essential to be aware of the very important difference between will and imagination. For when both conflict, imagination always prevails, without exception.
In this course, you will discover that the more you "want" to succeed, even a simple gesture, the more you will "risk" missing it.
Imagination will therefore be a great help in your acquiring a better technique.
Module 3 - INNER WORK
Course 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 12
Inner work
These 7 courses using the Holistic Pedagogical System™ will allow you to feel comfortable at "technical" level, and to progress more and more whatever your level.
You will discover for example that:
- Warm-ups can be dangerous and the H.P.S. will teach you one that is as short and efficient as possible.
As with athletes, we all need to warm up a little before our practice session, let alone before a concert. Some musicians require an exhaustive, longish and methodical warm-up which they perform like a ritual. In course #8, I will talk about the danger of systematic warm-ups. They are necessary, even essential, but they can sometimes be the source of important problems.
You will find out that with HPS you will benefit from an optimal warm-up in a minimum of time.
- You can acquire absolute pitch in a few seconds!
Absolute pitch is a rare skill amongst musicians since only 10% of the musicians have it, according to statistics.
There are still many debates on this subject today.
- Some say it is "innate" and cannot be acquired.
- Some claim that it can be acquired through extensive training (several years according to some).
- Others think that a young child can have absolute pitch by starting music early. As long as this training starts before the age of 6, according to some.
- Finally, some people claim that the time when a baby learns to associate words with sounds, meaning before 3 years old, is the ideal "window" to aquire absolute pitch.
In course #12 you will run an experiment that will show how to acquire absolute pitch in less than 30 seconds, then reduce these 30 seconds to a single second with a bit of training. This will work for the vast majority of you (for the others, all you will need is a little more time).
And it is not surprising because pitches are perceived by our ears but are processed by our brain. So HPS will allow this little miracle again by creating the corresponding neuronal links in the prefrontal brain.
You will remove all the barriers that you could have erected unconsciously, but above all you will create new neurological patterns allowing you to push your boundaries, use ALL your potential, and maximize your technical abilities. (Moreover, these inner work methods are used effectively by neuroscience in areas such as sports, health, etc., as you will discover through some examples and testimonials).
Imagine the joy and pleasure in realizing your progress and discovering that you can always enhance your technique (up to the peak of your abilities) through this mental strategy.
Course 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 12
Inner work
These 7 courses using the Holistic Pedagogical System™ will allow you to feel comfortable at "technical" level, and to progress more and more whatever your level.
You will discover for example that:
- Warm-ups can be dangerous and the H.P.S. will teach you one that is as short and efficient as possible.
As with athletes, we all need to warm up a little before our practice session, let alone before a concert. Some musicians require an exhaustive, longish and methodical warm-up which they perform like a ritual. In course #8, I will talk about the danger of systematic warm-ups. They are necessary, even essential, but they can sometimes be the source of important problems.
You will find out that with HPS you will benefit from an optimal warm-up in a minimum of time.
- You can acquire absolute pitch in a few seconds!
Absolute pitch is a rare skill amongst musicians since only 10% of the musicians have it, according to statistics.
There are still many debates on this subject today.
- Some say it is "innate" and cannot be acquired.
- Some claim that it can be acquired through extensive training (several years according to some).
- Others think that a young child can have absolute pitch by starting music early. As long as this training starts before the age of 6, according to some.
- Finally, some people claim that the time when a baby learns to associate words with sounds, meaning before 3 years old, is the ideal "window" to aquire absolute pitch.
In course #12 you will run an experiment that will show how to acquire absolute pitch in less than 30 seconds, then reduce these 30 seconds to a single second with a bit of training. This will work for the vast majority of you (for the others, all you will need is a little more time).
And it is not surprising because pitches are perceived by our ears but are processed by our brain. So HPS will allow this little miracle again by creating the corresponding neuronal links in the prefrontal brain.
You will remove all the barriers that you could have erected unconsciously, but above all you will create new neurological patterns allowing you to push your boundaries, use ALL your potential, and maximize your technical abilities. (Moreover, these inner work methods are used effectively by neuroscience in areas such as sports, health, etc., as you will discover through some examples and testimonials).
Imagine the joy and pleasure in realizing your progress and discovering that you can always enhance your technique (up to the peak of your abilities) through this mental strategy.
Course 13 - 14 - 15 - 16
Pedagogical bases
Pedagogical bases, extremly simple to understand and put into practice, further develop this Holistic Pedagogical System™. They will allow you to acquire great reliability: you will never be afraid to spoil any difficult passage during your performances.
Thanks to a better knowledge of mental functions and learning processes, your personal practice will become optimal, more efficient and faster. Accomplished work will be completely and permanently assimilated, both at somatic (body) and cerebral level.
This new feeling of security will bring you an inner calm.
Your self-confidence will bring you great satisfaction. You will never experience the fear, doubt or risk of spoiling a difficult passage again. What serenity!
Course 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 Pedagogical bases
Pedagogical bases, extremly simple to understand and put into practice, further develop this Holistic Pedagogical System™. They will allow you to acquire great reliability: you will never be afraid to spoil any difficult passage during your performances.
Thanks to a better knowledge of mental functions and learning processes, your personal practice will become optimal, more efficient and faster. Accomplished work will be completely and permanently assimilated, both at somatic (body) and cerebral level.
This new feeling of security will bring you an inner calm.
Your self-confidence will bring you great satisfaction. You will never experience the fear, doubt or risk of spoiling a difficult passage again. What serenity!
Course 17 - How to solve sight-reading problems
There is one point on which everyone agrees: to sight-read perfectly, you just need to read the music sufficiently in advance in order to anticipate all the difficulties.
However to read in advance, you just need to read faster than the tempo, whichever it is.
So how does one generally try to read faster?
Well, we train our eyes to run as fast as we can on the staff, which seems logical.
But you must know that this way of proceeding is totally ineffective! You could train this way 6 hours a day for months and you would not improve your reading speed at all.
We know today that there is a physiological reason for this, discovered by Emile Javal, an ophthalmologist. He analyzed the physiology of reading in the laboratory and dismantled its mechanisms.
Taking into account his discoveries and working according to his directions, you will be able to increase your reading speed by at least 30%, or even double it.
Course 17 - How to solve sight-reading problems
There is one point on which everyone agrees: to sight-read perfectly, you just need to read the music sufficiently in advance in order to anticipate all the difficulties.
However to read in advance, you just need to read faster than the tempo, whichever it is.
So how does one generally try to read faster?
Well, we train our eyes to run as fast as we can on the staff, which seems logical.
But you must know that this way of proceeding is totally ineffective! You could train this way 6 hours a day for months and you would not improve your reading speed at all.
We know today that there is a physiological reason for this, discovered by Emile Javal, an ophthalmologist. He analyzed the physiology of reading in the laboratory and dismantled its mechanisms.
Taking into account his discoveries and working according to his directions, you will be able to increase your reading speed by at least 30%, or even double it.
Module 6 - Conclusion
Wow! You will be surprised to see the progress you have made in so little time.
And it's not over! See the bonuses offered below...
Wow! You will be surprised to see the progress you have made in so little time.
And it's not over! See the bonuses offered below...
Bonus OFFERED with this training!
Bonus #1
Relaxation allows you to be even more efficient in your work and will be of great help in your daily life.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Relaxation is an important complement to ensure your instrumental or vocal practice is done optimally, allowing you to progress even faster.
You will also benefit from a relaxation session I have devised and recorded in mp3 format.
You will improve your technique thanks to the ability to maintain the correct amount of tension in the active muscles while avoiding parasitic contractions of the unwanted muscles. Very useful also in everyday life, apart from your musical practice.
You will have the advantage of staying perfectly relaxed during the effort, which will improve your sound (as instrumentalist or singer).
And what a pleasure to feel good and perfectly relaxed in your body, in addition to the satisfaction of saving energy through better muscle control!
Relaxation allows you to be even more efficient in your work and will be of great help in your daily life.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Relaxation is an important complement to ensure your instrumental or vocal practice is done optimally, allowing you to progress even faster.
You will also benefit from a relaxation session I have devised and recorded in mp3 format.
You will improve your technique thanks to the ability to maintain the correct amount of tension in the active muscles while avoiding parasitic contractions of the unwanted muscles. Very useful also in everyday life, apart from your musical practice.
You will have the advantage of staying perfectly relaxed during the effort, which will improve your sound (as instrumentalist or singer).
And what a pleasure to feel good and perfectly relaxed in your body, in addition to the satisfaction of saving energy through better muscle control!
Bonus #2
Correct breathing allows you to be more relaxed and perform better, whatever your discipline.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Indeed, the human being is biologically programmed to use abdominal breathing (observe a breathing baby). It is anxiolytic, whereas high breathing triggers anxiety.
Modern life and its daily stresses incite us to breathe at costal or even clavicular level.
You will "relearn" to breathe naturally from abdominal level and implement a complete breathing which has many benefits in terms of physical and mental health.
- It will not be enough to free yourself from stage fright, but it can alleviate anxiety and tension
in your daily life. - This breathing is taught in all forms of body practices (yoga, tai-chi etc.) and highly recommended by doctors.
- It will help you develop a more efficient, flexible technique while being more relaxed.
Numerous testimonials show that results are unanimously positive and very convincing for keyboard and string players, thanks to a better use of the exhalation phase while playing. (A method derived from the martial arts).
Correct breathing allows you to be more relaxed and perform better, whatever your discipline.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Indeed, the human being is biologically programmed to use abdominal breathing (observe a breathing baby). It is anxiolytic, whereas high breathing triggers anxiety.
Modern life and its daily stresses incite us to breathe at costal or even clavicular level.
You will "relearn" to breathe naturally from abdominal level and implement a complete breathing which has many benefits in terms of physical and mental health.
- It will not be enough to free yourself from stage fright, but it can alleviate anxiety and tension
in your daily life. - This breathing is taught in all forms of body practices (yoga, tai-chi etc.) and highly recommended by doctors.
- It will help you develop a more efficient, flexible technique while being more relaxed.
Numerous testimonials show that results are unanimously positive and very convincing for keyboard and string players, thanks to a better use of the exhalation phase while playing. (A method derived from the martial arts).
Bonus #3
How to work better thanks to biorhythms.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Biorhythms are very interesting for musicians because they are almost the only ones affected by the 3 biorhythmic curves (physical, intellectual and emotional).
This will allow you to know the days when you are most likely to perform at your best or to avoid problems by knowing less suitable times for you, determined by your biorhythms.
Biorhythms will be of great help to choose your concert dates, when possible. But you can also take this into account if you perform on a set date which is not entirely favorable to you. It will also help you understand why you have a particular problem one day and not the next (so you don't have to worry too much).
You will derive great satisfaction from knowing the cyclical aspect of human behavior. Being aware of the moments where your self-control peaks will help you plan your performances.
How to work better thanks to biorhythms.
Bonus ($97 value) offered
Biorhythms are very interesting for musicians because they are almost the only ones affected by the 3 biorhythmic curves (physical, intellectual and emotional).
This will allow you to know the days when you are most likely to perform at your best or to avoid problems by knowing less suitable times for you, determined by your biorhythms.
Biorhythms will be of great help to choose your concert dates, when possible. But you can also take this into account if you perform on a set date which is not entirely favorable to you. It will also help you understand why you have a particular problem one day and not the next (so you don't have to worry too much).
You will derive great satisfaction from knowing the cyclical aspect of human behavior. Being aware of the moments where your self-control peaks will help you plan your performances.
What they think of this course
« Improve and master your technique thanks to the H.P.S. »
(Holistic Pedagogical System™)
Here's everything you get today:
Access to the complete training in 20 videos
FREE BONUS, the breathing cours to be more relaxed and perform better ($97 value)
FREE BONUS, the relaxation course in order to become even more effective in your practice and a great help in your daily life. ($97 value)
FREE BONUS, In addition to the course on relaxation, a relaxation session in MP3 format
FREE BONUS, Biorythms course to better optimize your work ($97 value)
Unlimited access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Your guarantee "Satisfied or refunded"
Normal price : $ 297
Bonuses value : $ 291
Total value : $ 588
Your price today : $ 297
(49% discount - one time payment)
or 3 payments of $ 117
One time payment
Only $297
3 payments
of $117
After a class, you go home with some notes and "your memory" to review what has been done and seen in this class.
Thanks to this online training:
- You have unlimited access to the training, you can watch it as many times as you want, 24/7, on any medium (desktop or laptop, tablet, smartphone, TV ...).
- I will accompany you throughout this training.
- As this training is constantly evolving, I will regularly keep you updated with the benefits of my research and knowledge.
- After more than 30 years of teaching, I have no doubt that you will obtain results, that's why I give you a 30 day guarantee "Satisfied or refunded". You do not take any risk.
- You get 3 free bonuses which, importantly, will be useful on a daily basis, even outside your practice.
If you have read the introductory page, you have seen that the efficiency of H.P.S. cannot be disputed since it has been demonstrated and proven by neuroscience, thanks to modern functional imaging devices (petscan, fMRI, scintigraphy etc.).
Imagine the following scenario:
- you make music for pleasure; you are part of an ensemble (orchestra, brass-band, jazz-band etc ...) and you enjoy it. But every time you have a short "solo" passage vous perdez tous vos moyens et cela gâche votre plaisir !
- Or more seriously, if you want to become a professional musician ...
- you are taking the entrance examination for a higher education institution,
- or you decide to audition for a prestigious orchestra,
- or you take the exam to obtain a teaching position.
You know that your level is adequate to pass your exam ...
You have been preparing for months by working several hours a day ...
You are ready! You know your program perfectly well.
But when the moment arrives, you "lose it": you mess up the most difficult technical passages while you can perform them at home ... ...
All this work for nothing! Not only the time you have invested in the preparation of this contest but also the expenses involved to get there (travel, catering, possibly also accommodation).
And above all the disappointment, the frustration, the discouragement, the impression that you will never succeed!
Don't you think that the first thing to do is to solve this problem?
Many professional musicians also took this training because they could not rely on being able to safely play any difficult passage every time they had high responsibilities in a program, as an orchestra member or even more so as a chamber music player etc ...
Do not wait any longer! Now is the moment to take the right decision!
Your guarantee
Join me in this training « Improve and master your technique thanks to the "Holistic Pedagogical system™ »
The musicians who have followed my training are delighted with the progress they have made. You do not take any risks: either you are satisfied with your progress, or I promise to refund your payment in full within 30 days of your order.
« Improve and master your technique thanks to the H.P.S. »
(Holistic Pedagogical System™)
Here's everything you get today:
Access to the complete training in 20 videos
FREE BONUS, the breathing cours to be more relaxed and perform better ($97 value)
FREE BONUS, the relaxation course in order to become even more effective in your practice and a great help in your daily life. ($97 value)
FREE BONUS, In addition to the course on relaxation, a relaxation session in MP3 format
FREE BONUS, Biorythms course to better optimize your work ($97 value)
Unlimited access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Your guarantee "Satisfied or refunded"
Normal price : $ 297
Bonuses value : $ 291
Total value : $ 588
Your price today : $ 297
(49% discount - one time payment)
or 3 payments of $ 117